

HV5160 with heatsink

1. Introduction

HV5160 is specially designed for high-voltage drive requirements and can work in the voltage range of 8-60V, such as 48V. The design is based on TMC5160-WA and uses Samsung Electronics’ 100V X7R ceramic capacitors

2. Feature

  • 1000 x 600mil / 25.4 x 15.24mm
  • 6 layer TG155 PCB
  • 8-60V 3.0A (rms) / 4.2A (peak)
  • 4x DMT6018 (17 mΩ)
  • Step/Dir interface & SPI mode default
  • Compatible with Stepstick Pins
  • Encoder Interface pinout
  • DIAG output for sensorless homing
  • With 393.6 W/(m·K) copper heatsink

3. Application

3D printers, CNCs, engraving machines, or other similar devices with stepper motors.

4. Specifications

Items TMC5160 HV5160
Motor Voltage (VM) 8-40V 8-60V
Size 800 x 600mil / 20.32 x 15.24mm 1000 x 600mil / 25.4 x 15.24mm
MOSFET 4x WSD4066 (17mΩ) 4x DMT6018 (17 mΩ)
Heatsink 238.6 W/(m·K)铝散热片 393.6 W/(m·K)纯铜散热片
Motor Phase Current max 3.0A (rms) / 4.2A (peak)
Rs 0.075Ω
Default Mode SPI Mode,Standalone mode selectable via solder option
PCB layer 6层,TG155
Pinout DIAG0 & Encoder Interface pinout
Native Microsteps up to 1/256
microPlyer Microsteps 1/256
Logic Voltage (VIO) 3-5V
Internal V-Regulator enabled
stealthChop (quiet) yes
spreadCycle yes
coolStep yes
stallGuard yes
dcStep yes

5. Hardware Guide

HV5160 Pin Functions

5.1 Pin Functions

Pin Function
Power Supply
GND Ground
VM Motor Supply Voltage, Provide filtering capacity near pin with short loop to GND plane. Must be tied to the positive bridge supply voltage.
VIO 3.3V to 5V IO supply voltage for all digital pins.
Motor Outputs
B1 Motor Coil 1
B2 Motor Coil 1
A1 Motor Coil 2
A2 Motor Coil 2
Control Inputs
REFL_STEP STEP input when (SD_MODE=1).
or left reference input (for internal ramp generator)
or right reference input (for internal ramp generator)
EN Enable Motor inputs: GND=on, VIO=off
CLK CLK input. Tie to GND using short wire for internal clock or supply external clock. Internal clock-fail over circuit protects against loss of external clock signal.
SDI_CFG1 SPI data input (SPI_MODE=1) or
Configuration input (SPI_MODE=0) or
Next address input (NAI) for single wire interface.
SCK_CFG2 SPI serial clock input (SPI_MODE=1) or
Configuration input (SPI_MODE=0)
CSN_CFG3 SPI chip select input (negative active) (SPI_MODE=1) or
Configuration input (SPI_MODE=0)
SDO_CFG0 SPI data output (tristate) (SPI_MODE=1) or
Configuration input (SPI_MODE=0) or
Next address output (NAO) for single wire interface.
DIAG0 Diagnostics output DIAG0.
Interrupt or STEP output for motion controller (SD_MODE=0, SPI_MODE=1).
Use external pullup resistor with 47k or less in open drain mode.
Single wire I/O (negative) (only with SD_MODE=0 and SPI_MODE=0)
Encoder B-channel input (when using internal ramp generator) or
dcStep enable input (SD_MODE=1, SPI_MODE=1) – leave open or
tie to GND for normal operation in this mode (no dcStep).
Configuration input (SPI_MODE=0)
Encoder A-channel input (when using internal ramp generator) or
dcStep gating input for axis synchronization (SD_MODE=1, SPI_MODE=1) or
Configuration input (SPI_MODE=0)
Encoder N-channel input (SD_MODE=0) or
dcStep ready output (SD_MODE=1).
With SD_MODE=0, pull to GND or VCC_IO, if the pin is not used
for an encoder.

5.2 Configuration Instructions


If you use 48V to power the VMOT of the module and 24V step-down to power the VIO, please make sure that 48V and 24V are turned on at the same time (that is, VMOT and VIO arrive at the same time). Otherwise, the drive module may burn out.

5.2.1 Solder Jumper

HV5160 solder jumper config

Integrated pull down resistor.
0 1 **Standalone Mode,Step-DIR Interface,CFG pins config:**Default Mode,SPI Mode,Step-DIR Interface:The STEP/DIR inputs control the driver the chip is in standalone mode and pins have their CFG functions.
0 0 The internal ramp generator generates step pulses,enable UART operation(but the DIAG1_SWP doesn't pinout,can't use the UART interface)
1 1 **(Default)SPI Mode,Step-DIR Interface:**The STEP/DIR inputs control the driver the SPI interface is enabled. Integrated pull down resistor.
1 0 The internal ramp generator generates step pulses, the SPI interface is enabled.

5.2.2 USE SPI mode on FYSETC Boards

HV5160 on Spider

6. Part List

  • HV5160 x1
  • Copper Heatsink x1

7. Documentations

TMC5160 Chip Datasheet Schematic 3D mode


8. Where to buy

9. Tech Support

Please submit any technical issue into our forum ,github,facebook。